Run For Life Team
As a not for profit organization Run for Life Inc. is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The following current slate of directors provide governance and oversight for all Run for Life programs.

Gavin Blondeau

John Carson

Christopher Giesler
Christopher is a Geography and Environmental Science teacher who has a specific interest in land-based learning as a method to connect students with their local natural heritage and develop a sense of place. He enjoys coaching cross country running and is an accomplished ultrarunner himself. Christopher is most at home when exploring on trail by foot or bike, or on the water via canoe or kayak.

Vincent Larochelle
Legal Eagle
Vincent is known as the Legal Eagle for his sharp eye and legal expertise. He is an avid trail runner, skier, climber, mountaineer and paddler. Favorite drink: old fashioned.

Sandra MacDougall
Sandra started running an elementary school, which set her off on a lifetime of running, strength training and competition. Sandra is a registered Professional Engineer and spends her days building roads in the Yukon. She is advancing RFL’s Social Enterprise model’s business plan and is keen on impact-focused investments and measurement. Sandra is a Yukon trail loller and loves the red trails in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya.

Natalie Thivierge